Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer in the City

Sorry its been so long since we've posted anything on our blog. Things here have been really busy, but so far have been great. We have definately settled into a routine with work and life here in Taiwan. The only thing that is taking some getting used to is the intense heat...its unbearable.

During the last few weeks, we have had some pretty funny things happen to us in and out of work. One happened last week in one of my classes. The kids are between the ages of eight to ten and they have been learning english for probably two years now. At the beginning of every class we have a QA to help them learn new vocab and conversational words. The question this week was, "When is your breakfast/lunch/dinner usually ready?" The answer would be, "My breakfast/lunch/dinner is usually ready _________." They all have to write this down in their notebooks and then we go around and check thier work. Well, this one kid Stan had written in his notebook.... "When is your breast usually ready?" "My breast is usually ready at 8 o'clock." Let me remind you that he would not have known this word or how to spell it, it was purely coincidental but incredibly funny. I had to explain that this word was very different from breakfast and he needed to write down breakfast. Hahaha...

I also have been teaching a beginners class in Pu Hsin. This is the first time that many of these kids have had any experience with English. There is this one really cute little girl named Tina, and her mother and I talked a lot on our trip to the Taipei Zoo. So, every Tuesday and Friday morning I arrive at the bus stop around 8:45am to catch the bus to the train station in Jhong Li. Well, this particular morning I'm standing and waiting when out of no where this small lime green car swerves through three lanes of traffic and pulls off on the side of the road. Leaning out of the car is Tina yelling, "Kratina!!!! Go to school???" Then here mother leans out the window and yells... "School?" I was like well yeah, and Tina yells back, "Kratina come on!!" So I climbed in the car and go to put on my seatbelt when Tina's mother informs me in broken English that this is not needed. In fact, it was needed because traffic and driving in Taiwan is worse than any other city Ive ever been in, but when in Rome.... Weve even seen little kids in the front seats of cars with no seatbelts or car seats...its just life here and nobody thinks anything about it.

Also, I have another Kinde class that meets on Saturdays at Chung Yuan. After class this little girls mother comes up to me and tells me that she is sorry here daughter didnt talk alot today... "Because Iris' has a sore throat and cannot speak English when her throat is sore." I was thinking well she didnt seem to have a problem with the Chinese that she was speaking earlier...haha.

Jon here: I have a somewhat funny story here from some classes I subbed for a few weekends. I was teaching an extremely advanced class the last two weeks. I mean these kids are smart, know english to a tee. Don't have to explain any words to them hardly at all...actually I was very intimidated walking in and seeing 16 to 20 year olds looking at me...not going to lie. So the class was pretty much just me talking with them for 90 mins. Not too hard, but opening up the class I was just introducing myself, telling them where I was from and a little about myself. Then a girl in the back asks, "So do you have a girlfriend?" I say, "Actually I have a wife." And then without a second lost I hear a group of girls all go "Oh man"! I guess I still have it! But don't worry Kristina said she would kill anyone that came close to me! haha

Secondly, I was teaching a class that is fairly advanced, and a fun group of kids. I got done with the class and saw Kristina in the main area and one of the kids was standing beside us and I say, "Hey this is my wife, Kristina." She kinda looks at us and I'm like..."My wife, Kristina." Then she points at me and says, "Sexy!". I'm like ok, but Kristina is pretty, yeah? And she's like, "Yes Sexy, like you!" Kinda crazy coming from a 14 year old! haha

Well, we are going to try to write more often but just know that we love you all and miss everyone back at home!