Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ok so I have to admit that the last few days have been exhaustingly busy. We have attended numerous workshops and observations, and one thing that I have found incredibly interesting is the fact that the kids at Gloria get to choose their own English name for class. It is really funny to hear names like Billy, Amy, Sam, Bob, Sue, and so forth in a place like this. A few of the funniest that I have heard were (I'm definately not joking about these) Handsome, Cinderella, Tank, Barbie, Hermoine from Harry Potter. It makes no sense but its totally true. Since they get to pick their English name at times they will just randomly decide to change it as well.
Also, Jon and I went today with a lady from Gloria to the hospital to receive a physical so that we can receive our ARC cards. For those of you who might not know, this is an Alien Residency Card that we have to have to work in Taiwan. We had blood drawn to make sure that we were not HIV positive (we would have been deported if we had been), we had our eyes checked, blood pressure, height, weight, temperature, chest xray, and a visit with a doctor to make sure we were in tip-top shape. The entire thing only costs $30 american dollars. This is because they (Taiwan) has nationalized health care. You can go to the doctor with no appointment and no wait, receive a prescription at the doctor's office for about $6 american dollars. This would never ever ever happen in the States. A visit like we had today would have costs an unbelievable amount of money back home. In some aspects its not a totally bad system.

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