Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just a few things...

In my last post I stated that I couldn't believe that we had been in Taiwan for one weeks...well I really can't believe that we have been here for three! Tomorrow is exactly one week, and it's pretty wild! So far, things have been great! We are still mostly subbing for teachers who are on vacation, but we will be getting regular classes soon. Jon and I also celebrated our one month anniversary of being married. I know this sounds silly (you're month?) month! Here's why: Too many people today take for granted their partners. It's easy to get too busy with work, life, friends, and other responsibilities, and in the mean time we find our marriages neglected. I know it's only been a month, but I want to celebrate every little milestone with Jon...I want to celebrate the fact that I found an amazing husband, and I want to celebrate the fact that I am sharing an amazing adventure with someone that I love more than anything! To mark this small milestone, we went to a place called Papa's Lover. It looks likes someone's house when you walk in, but go up the stairs and you will find an amazing little restaurant. They serve Haka style food. SOOOOO good!!!
Later on that week we went to Taipei! We visited Taipei 101, which is the second tallest building in the world! It was pretty impressive. We also visited Chang Kai Shek's memorial. He was a chinese military leader who led the Chinese Nationalist Party known as the KMT. In 1946, civil war broke out between the KMT and the Communists. In 1949, the Communists were victorious, establishing the People's Republic of China. Chiang and the remaining KMT forces fled to the island of Taiwan. There Chiang established a government in exile which he led for the next 25 years. This government continued to be recognised by many countries as the legitimate government of China, and Taiwan controlled China's seat in the United Nations until the end of Chiang's life. He died on 5 April 1975. Today Taiwan is known as the Republic of China and enjoys a democratic government unlike that of China.
Enough about that, as some of you know we had a small earthquake here the other night. Nothing major, but enough to let you know that you don't want another. It was a magnitude 6.3 and hit off the east coast of Taiwan. We only felt mild shaking, which was more than enough for me. Needless to say, we are perfectly fine. We are told these things happen every so often, and I guess you just deal with it. Anyways, Jon and I have found a new favorite dessert! It is so amazing. Here in Taiwan you wont really find a lot of ice cream places like we have in the States. They do however have their own version of ice cream where they grind up blocks of ice into tiny little pieces like they would for an icee or snow cone. You can choose from all types of fruits or other nasty things that people might find tasty here in Taiwan and put it on top of the ice. Then the good part...they pour condensed milk on top. This would be the milk that you would use when making home made ice cream...the kind that is thicker than milk but tastes really sweet. It's amazing and I could eat it everyday. Actually, I have eaten it everyday this week, and we are going again tonight!!!! I will post some pictures of it!! If your bold you can make and try at home!!! You will not be dissapointed I promise!!!
Oh in case you have any lingering questions about Taiwan here are a few more tid bits of interetsing information:
1. The garbage trucks play music as they go around to collect trash...people stand on the side of the road with their bags and just throw them in as the truck passes...this is not a lie!
2. People do not wear wedding rings in Taiwan. Anytime one of the kids I teach sees my ring they are like "OOOhhh so big!!!''
3. There are typhoons in Taiwan..supposidly there is one coming this weekend. I'm not sure what typhoons entail, when it happens I will let you know!

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts!! I was going to say I heard they use EVERYTHING and trash simply doesn't exist. If someone throws something out, someone else comes and takes it..the poor..but I don't remember which country it was. Could've been a different one. Anyway, I wish I could say MY trash people play music too! That is hilarious!

    About the white rice instead of fried, I'm going to ask my few chinese friends and see if they can find a way to translate. You're going to be over there long enough for just 1 little preference to come true! I'll be your food secret service;)

    love love love!
